Attention Students in France: HEALTH SAFETY MEASURES FOR FALL 2020

A series of health safety measures are in effect in France in order to effectively fight the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic as higher education establishments are taking action to protect the health of their students.

To keep yourself and others safe, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the current health safety measures in France.

Wearing a Mask

As of July 20, in addition to hand-washing and covering your cough or sneeze, wearing a face mask is required in all enclosed public spaces: airports, train stations, hotels, restaurants, performance venues, educational establishments, museums, stores and shopping malls, banks and administrative offices, public transportation, etc.

This requirement may be expanded locally to include other spaces, depending on the city. Contact City Hall in your study location for more information.

Wearing a mask is recommended whenever a one-meter distance cannot be maintained.

France has an ample supply of masks, making it possible for the public to comply with this requirement. The government has set the maximum price for a surgical mask at 95 centimes. A reusable cloth mask costs around 5 euros.

Tests and Screening

In France, virological and serological tests are regularly performed in screening centers. The list of these centres is available on the website santé.fr

You can benefit from screening without a medical prescription, without even showing symptoms.

The virological test (PCR-RT) is fully covered by health insurance. If you have to pay the costs in advance, you will be reimbursed upon presentation of a treatment sheet.

In airports, the tests (PCR-RT) performed upon arrival in France are quick and free.

14 days quarantine

Upon your arrival or during your study stay in France, you may be invited to spend 14 days in quarantine. In this case it is recommended to:

Stay at home as much as possible

Limit your time outside to essential needs

Avoid contact and always wear a mask in the presence of another person

At home, avoid contact with other people in your residence

In case you have accommodation in a university residence, inform the host of the quarantine so that cleaning and disinfection measures can be implemented

In case of symptoms, contact a doctor immediately.

Health Safety Measures in Higher Education Institutions

French higher education institutions are making every effort to prepare for students’ return in strict compliance with health safety regulations:

Distributing information on COVID-19 specifically for students, both on campus and on university websites

Preparing for a minimum of one meter of social distancing in classrooms and enclosed spaces

Strongly requiring that masks be worn in enclosed spaces

Strengthening disinfection of the premises

Implementing online payment of registration fees

Expanding university health services to provide students with medical and psychological support

Emergency social and financial aid

Assistance to improve access to digital resources

Development of distance learning programs

Safety Measures

To protect yourself and others, it’s important to respect these safety measures:

Wash your hands regularly, or use hand sanitizer

Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue

Use a single-use tissue to blow your nose, then throw it away

Avoid touching your face, mouth and eyes

Keep a minimum distance of one meter between yourself and others

When greeting someone, don’t shake hands, and no hugging

What should you do if you have symptoms?

If you have symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 (cough, fever, etc.):

Stay home

Avoid contact

Call the doctor’s office before going in, or call your region’s 24-hour health care hotline. You can also choose to have a telemedicine appointment.

If your symptoms get worse, and include any difficulty breathing or signs of suffocation, call SAMU (emergency health services) by dialing 15.

For more information, dial the toll-free Covid-19 hotline, available 24/7: 0 800 130 000.

Courtesy: Campus France web portal