ITSMI Student Life

Welcome to ITSMI PARIS!

Our institute has a high level of student life that aims to enhance rich experience by providing a wide range of support services for all students enrolled in the institution.


ITSMI Paris is the place for you if excellent managerial education is your need! From the inception of ITSMI in 2011

ITSMI Paris is the place for you if excellent managerial education is your need! From the inception of ITSMI in 2011, it has helped dynamic brains scale great heights. As our features indicate, studying at our institute is worth spending. We are located in a prime area, the city has a lot to offer the students. Paris is one of the top travel destinations in the world and centre of multiculturalism, the life here acclimatizes you to experience and bond with people from other cultures.

Our staffs hold doctoral qualifications from acclaimed universities and are having stunning experience in various fields. Please refer to concerned section in the website which will give more insights and tips on faculty and research at ITSMI. We give equal importance to technical knowledge and experience. Here, students get to interact with companies and clients to put their knowledge to test through intricately designed curriculum. ITSMI is among the institutions that companies prefer to select their employees from.

We offer an over- all development of the students as it also encourages extra-curricular activities and short term Life-skills programs etc. We have many students clubs that cater to your interests. Our campus in 97 Rue de Mademoiselle, is right in the middle of Paris. Gear up to experience French culture and lifestyle at its finest. We promise you an exhilarating experience in Paris.

International Students

ITSMI is home to the world. We have students from all around the world. The stimulating environment and cultural enrichment attract the best minds from the world over. The institute offers to care for the needs of international students and do our best to make them feel at home.

We offer scholarships to meritorious students in the area of academics and non-academics. We ensure equal opportunities and benefits to all our dynamic minds.

ITSMI has an international office which helps facilitating the students from various countries and will guide you through the admission process.


You may e-mail us at

Our support will be with you right from the time of admission to settling down in Paris.

ITSMI International Students

Visa & Residency

You may require visa to travel or study in France depending on your nationality. If you need a visa, make sure to apply for it before you come to France since visas can only be issued by French embassies or consulates abroad. A residency permit entitles you to stay for longer than 6 months and can be applied for from either abroad or from within French.

For information about visas and residency permits for studying in France, please visit the campus France or respective French consulate website.

Please check with your local French embassy for all required documents and formalities before you travel to France. Your issued visa is also valid for travel within the member-countries of the Schengen Region.

ITSMI Student Image
ITSMI Student Image

Arrival & Accommodation

Once you have arrived at the CDG International Airport Paris, after immigration check please go to the “Exit” area and ask for the airport taxi or UBER taxi (many times better than standard taxi) which can be cheaper than the standard taxi. There are also train and bus services available from the airport.

You can also request the college to arrange your travel after arrival. Please get in touch with the International Help Desk at the college.

Settling down can be a cumbersome process. We are here to guide and make your stay in Paris enchanting and peaceful. ITSMI does not have college accommodation but below are some approved modes of accommodation preferred by our students for you to choose from. Please check out these links too:

The institute encourages you to contact us when you need any help with regards to accommodation.


France is home to idyllic vineyards and vast stretches of lavender fields! It is where one of the world’s wonder, the Eiffel Tower stands tall! Paris, the capital city of France, is an epicentre of romance and art.

The orientation week will give chance for all new students to get acquainted with the school and the city. With this you will get a glimpse of ideas about your stay in France. The country is centre for many things. Paris is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in Europe. Paris is an important trading and cultural centre in the world today. Its influence in politics, education, entertainment, news media, fashion and science has made the city one of the world’s most important global spots. The Fortune Global 500 list, compiled by Fortune magazine, features 36 companies based in the Paris region. International organizations such as UNESCO, OECD and ICC are also based in Paris.

It all shows that getting settled in Paris is a process. This doesn’t happen overnight. You need to develop a taste for learning French language, understand the culture and enjoy the dishes and life styles etc. No matter what background you are coming from, an understanding of French culture gives you best moments of your life in Paris. You may be advised to participate in as many events as possible because the more you do, the more you will get Integrated into the system. Paris is also the most sought after tourist destination for a reason! There is something here for everyone, it’s a promise! France has a rich culture and heritage that can be explored throughout your stay! .

Spectacular Heritage

UNESCO has named 43 places in France as World Heritage sites. France brims with historic towns, lush countryside, quaint and charming villages that had acted as muse to many artists, painters and photographers. Studying in France gives this enriching opportunity to visit these places. Every September, the European heritage days allow you to visit the most beautiful destinations here.

Celebrated culture

6,000 municipal libraries, 40,000 protected monuments and sites, 8,000 museums, 5,000 film theatres, 500 theatre, and music and dance festivals, not to mention the theatre seasons and countless exhibitions are just a few attractions of France. This country is approved to be enjoyed excessively! Claude Monet’s Garden in Giverny, the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations in Marseille, French country will keep you on your toes wanting for more!

French Culture

Cultural bonanzas, festival,
night life and splendid summers

June 21st marks the beginning of Fete de la Musique (Festival of Music), the summer season of outdoor festivals, concerts and cultural events. Students take advantage of the school holidays to take part in Rencontres d’Arles, Paris dance festival, Eurockéennes de Belfort and the Festival d’Avignon. Get integrated. You will enjoy every moment of your stay in France as a special notation in your life!