Accommodation Assistance - CAF
Here is the good news! Rent subsidy might be offered to you.You may qualify for a rent subsidy by the CAF (France’s family assistance fund). CAF will pay you subsidy under one of two national programs (APL, Aide Personnalisée au Logement; or ALS, Allocation de Logement à caractère Social). Many international students have already enjoyed the benefit from these programs. You must hold the VLS-TS (long-stay visa and residency permit) to qualify for CAF assistance.
Everything can be done online. Don’t hesitate to do an online simulation to learn whether you’re eligible and find out how much assistance you receive each month. Apply for CAF - caf.fr
A new fee known as CVEC has been added to the students admitted into French institutions for 2020. CVEC helps to finance on-campus programs that enhance the student experience. Scroll down to learn more about the fee.
The CVEC may be paid online or in cash.
To pay online:
- You have to register at the site messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr.
- After this, you need to connect to the dedicated CVEC site cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr.
- Select the city in which you are studying and pay the CVEC with a debit or credit card.
- Download and retain the proof of payment so you can show when you register at your university or other institution.
- To pay in cash at a post office:
- You need to register at the site messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr.
- Then you need to connect to the dedicated CVEC site cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr.
- You should download a payment notice.
- Make the payment at any post office of your choice.
- You will receive proof of payment by e-mail within two business days. Download and retain this proof of payment, which should be shown when you register at your university or other institution.
The amount of the CVEC is €91
The amount of CVEC for the 2020/21 academic year is €91. It will be reevaluated every year. The CVEC must be paid only once for each academic year. If you enrol in more than one program in that same year and pay the CVEC in connection with your first enrollment, you will not need to pay again until the following academic year.

Social security
Health Care, Insurance
You need to register to social security whether you are French national or not. Social security is free and mandatory for all students in France. Here’s everything you need to know to go through the process of acquiring your Social security.
It will help you get partial reimbursement of your health expense (visit to the doctor, medical check-ups, etc.).
As quickly as you can after your academic registration in your higher educational institution.
Visit https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr(available in French and English)
How much?
It’s free! French and international students don’t pay to register to French social security.
- I am a European student, and I don’t have a European Health Insurance Card.
- I am a European student, and I have an S1 form.
- I am not a European student.
- I am European, and I have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a temporary certification which will help me in getting reimbursement as if I was in my country. My card must be valid at least until the end of my current academic year for the same.
- I was already registered in a French higher education institution during the academic year 2020/21, whatever be my nationality. I don’t need to process a registration since it is only for students who enroll from 2020.

Visa, Residence permit
You must validate your long-stay visa valid as a residence permit (VLS-TS, visa long séjour valant titre de séjour)upon your arrival in France. You have three months to take the necessary steps. Everything can be done online!
As soon as you arrive in France, you must validate your visa. It is entirely digital: you can do everything, at home, on your computer. You must validate your visa within 3 months of arriving in France at the very latest.
To do so, visit the following website: https://administration-etrangers-en-france.interieur.gouv.fr. What do you need to validate your VLS-TS visa?
What do you need to validate your VLS-TS visa?
You will need:
- A valid email address,
- Information on your visa,
- Your date of arrival in France,
- Your home address in France,
- A bank card to pay online the fee for issuing the residence permit.
Ensure that all the information you give is correct.
What if you do not have a bank card?
Don't worry! You can buy an electronic stamp (timbre électronique) available at kiosks, at a dedicated terminal, and pay in cash.

Online Validation Steps
- Log in to the website https://administration-etrangers-en-france.interieur.gouv.fr
- Enter the information on your visa(visa number, date of beginning and end of validity, date of issue, the reason for the stay)
- Enter the additional information like family circumstances, telephone number, email address
- Enter your date of arrival in France and your address in France
- Pay the stay tax of 50 Euros
Done! Your visa is validated.
You will receive two emails.
- The first email with your login details. You will need it to access your account. It will contain the confirmation of the validation of your VLS-TS visa.
- A second email that confirms the information you entered online. You can download the confirmation email of the validation for your VLS-TS visa.
You must validate your VLS-TS visa within 3 months of arriving in France. This entitles you to:
- Lawfully remain in France for your visa's entire validity period.
- Leave France after the 3 months following your arrival, without asking for a visa to return.
Good to know
For the first 3 months after you arrive in France, you may freely leave France and come back, even without having validated your VLS-TS visa.
If you have not validated your VLS-TS visa after these 3 months, you will need to apply for a new visa to return to France.